We offer an exciting range of general and specialist millinery courses, From an extended 6 lessons workshop to a short, part-time workshop. By learning and using traditional millinery techniques we will make sure that you leave with a fabulously hat / cocktail hat that you design with your own hands.
+Millinery Workshop
A basic 6 lessons workshop, participants will be introduced to millinery techniques skills – how to block a sinamay hat , shape and design a sinamay cocktail hat and free modeling felt hat. We will start by learn the raw material qualities ( sinamay and felt) , we will experience in various of basic millinery techniques, including how to measure your head for an accurate fit, mold the simamay by heat and steam, design it, how and when using a brim wire and millinery wire . We also learn to design a felt hat by Free sampling on wooden heads.
+ Cocktail hat in 4 hours
A short enjoyable 4 hours workshop, participants will be introduced to skills in how to block sinamay on wooden heads using traditional millinery techniques. We will design the cocktail hat’s shape by using millinery wire and decorate it.
+Handmade Felt Hat in 2 lessons
A short 2 lessons workshop, participants will be introduced to felt and learn its qualities. We will learn how to design felt on wooden heads using traditional millinery techniques and Free sampling.
+Private Workshop
A unique and fun experience to learn a specific materials and techniques you want. Using different traditional millinery techniques, you will leave with beautiful hats, new skills and wonderful memories.